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Throttle Application

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

The Throttle application allows the user to implement a simple throttle control directly on the emDrive. Input devices can be connected directly to the emDrive and mapped to the throttle application. The application calculates the desired output based on these inputs and passes it to motor control. The output can be used as either a torque input or a speed input in the motor controller, depending on which CANOpen object the output is mapped to. No further configuration is needed to switch the application from one output mode to the other.

1.2 Features

The Throttle application supports the following features:

  • Throttle Module
    Functionality: Calculates the desired output based on mapped input and configuration parameters.
    Capabilities: Can be configured as unidirectional or bidirectional.
  • Brake Module
    Functionality: Calculates the desired brake torque based on mapped input and configuration parameters.
    Capabilities: Unidirectional only, with brake torque always in the opposite direction to motor rotation.

    Note that if the desired output is speed, the brake should be disabled.

  • Pump Control Module
    Functionality: Controls the pump, turning it on or off depending on motor and drive temperature.
  • Pre-charge Module
    Functionality: Manages the pre-charge process at startup.
  • DC-DC Turn On Delay Module
    Functionality: Delays the activation of the DC-DC converter after startup to ensure controlled power application.
  • SOC Monitoring Module
    Functionality: Monitors the State of Charge (SOC) of the battery.
    Capabilities: Reduces the maximum allowed torque when SOC is below a specified threshold.

    Requires an external Battery Management System (BMS) to operate correctly.

  • Charging Detection Module
    Functionality: Detects when the battery is charging and disables the drive during the charging process.
  • Input Mapping
    Functionality: Allows certain inputs to the throttle application to be mapped to CAN objects on the emDrive.

All throttle application features can be independently enabled or disabled (except the brake module, which requires the throttle module to be enabled). This is done by setting the Thr1_Enable CAN objects of the throttle application as detailed in Table 1.

Table 1: Thr1_Enable CAN object
Description Unit


0x4010 0x00

Enables the throttle application:
0 – disabled

1 – enabled (must be enabled for any modules to work)

Thr1_Enable__Throtle  0x4011


Enables the throttle module:

0 – disabled
1 – enabled

Thr1_Enable__Brake 0x4011 0x04

Enables the brake module:

0 – disabled 
1 – enabled (throttle must also be enabled)

Thr1_Enable__Pump  0x4011 0x05

Enables the pump control module:
0 – disabled

1 – enabled

Thr1_Enable__Precharge 0x4011 0x06

Enables the pre-charge module:

0 – disabled 
1 – enabled 

Thr1_Enable__DC_DC 0x4011 0x07

Enables the DC-DC turn on delay module:

0 – disabled 
1 – enabled

Thr1_Enable__SOC 0x4011 0x08

Enables the SOC monitoring module:

0 – disabled 
1 – enabled

Thr1_Enable__ChargingDetBitect 0x4011 0x09

Enables the charging detection module:

0 – disabled 
1 – enabled


2. Input and Output mapping

Input and output mapping for the Throttle application is managed using the Thr1_Obj object, which stores the CANOpen indexes and subindexes of the inputs and outputs mapped to the Throttle application variables. You can remap any variable to a different input by writing the CANOpen index and subindex of the new input to the corresponding Thr1_Obj sub-object.

The following table outlines the object mapping parameters for the Throttle application. Each object in the table represents a specific function or control point within the application, and the corresponding CANOpen index and subindex define where these objects are located in the CANOpen network. By configuring these parameters, users can tailor the Throttle application to their specific needs, ensuring precise control and monitoring of various functions.

By correctly configuring these object mappings, users can ensure that the Throttle application communicates accurately with the various inputs and outputs connected to the emDrive. This flexibility allows for precise control of throttle, brake, pump, and other critical functions, enhancing the overall performance and reliability of the system.

Table 2: Object mapping parameters
Description Unit
Thr1_Obj__AppControl 0x4012 0x01

Address of CAN object where commands are

sent to application

Thr1_Obj__AppState 0x4012 0x02

Address of CAN object where application

state is saved

Thr1_Obj__ThrotleVoltage 0x4012 0x03 Address of CAN object with throttle input Obj
Thr1_Obj__ThrotleFWD_DIvalue 0x4012 0x04

Address of CAN object to forward switch 


Thr1_Obj__ThrotleREW_DIvalue 0x4012 0x05

Address of CAN object to reverse switch 


Thr1_Obj__TargetObj 0x4012 0x06

Address of CAN object where output torque 

of throttle application is written

Thr1_Obj__BatValid 0x4012 0x07

Address of CAN object which stores BMS 


Thr1_Obj__BatSOC 0x4012 0x08

Address of CAN object which stores battery 

SOC in percentage

Thr1_Obj__BatState 0x4012 0x09

Address of CAN object which stores battery 


Thr1_Obj__ChargingDetectDIvalue 0x4012 0x0A

Address of CAN object which shows if 

charging is detected. If not 0 throttle 

application considers battery to be charging.

Thr1_Obj__MainPumpEnableDO 0x4012


Address of CAN object with main pump 

enable control

Thr1_Obj__CoolingPumpEnableDO 0x4012 0x0C

Address of CAN object with cooling pump 

enable control

Thr1_Obj__CoolingInputTemperature1 0x4012 0x0D

Address of CAN object with temperature 

input 1 (default bridge heatsink temp)

Thr1_Obj__CoolingInputTemperature2 0x4012 0x0E

Address of CAN object with temperature 

input 2 (default motor temp)

Thr1_Obj__DCDCenableDO 0x4012 0x0F

Address of CAN object with DC-DC enable 


Thr1_Obj__BuzzerDO1 0x4012 0x10

Address of CAN object with buzzer high side 

enable control

Thr1_Obj__BuzzerDO2 0x4012 0x11

Address of CAN object with buzzer low side 

enable control

Thr1_Obj__BrakeVoltage 0x4012 0x12 Address of CAN object with break input Obj
Thr1_Obj__RPM_in 0x4012 0x13 Address of CAN object with RPM data Obj
Thr1_Obj__MainRelayEnableDO 0x4012 0x14

Address of CAN object with main relay 

enable contro

Thr1_Obj__PrechargeRelayEnableDO 0x4012 0x15

Address of CAN object with pre-charge relay 

enable control

Thr1_Obj__PrechargeDC_voltage 0x4012 0x16

Address of CAN object with measured 

voltage during pre-charge procedure


2.1 Examples

2.1.1. Configuring an object to be used in in the application (e.g. for Thr1_Obj__ThrottleVoltage)

All mapping of object to the application are done in the same way. For relays (digital outputs), switches (digital inputs), torque & velocity reference,... The main point is to show that you need to combine index and subindex of the object you want to use in your throttle application.

For example, to map the throttle voltage input to the emDrive analog input 1 (which has a CANOpen object HW_AIN_AIN1 with index 0x3090 and subindex 0x01 as shown in the picture bellow), you would write 0x309001 to Thr1_Obj__ThrottleVoltage.
To read if the correct value is written you need to use the HEX value (black circle).

3. How to Use Each Module

3.1 Initial Setup Assumptions

This document assumes that the angle sensor calibration has already been completed by the user, and that all other emDrive parameters for the motor and regulation have been properly configured. Before using any module we have to enable the CANOpen object Thr1_enable with index 0x4010 and subindex 0x00, for that we have to write 1 to the "value" field.

4010 - Thr1_enable = 1

3.2 Pre-charge Module

The Pre-charge module limits the charging current of the emDrive capacitors by activating the pre-charge relay switch before the main relay switch is engaged. The pre-charge relay switch has a resistor connected in series, which limits the current during the capacitor charging phase.

Note that the main and pre-charge relay switches are not integrated within the emDrive and must be provided externally. For more details, refer to section 5.4 of the EmDrive user manual.

For readability and clarity, the following abbreviations are used:

  • The pre-charge relay switch refers to Thr1_Obj__PrechargeRelayEnableDO
  • The main relay switch refers to Thr1_Obj__MainRelayEnableDP

The sequence begins with the activation of the pre-charge relay switch. After the duration specified by the Thr1_Precharge__PrechargeTime parameter (default is 2 seconds), the drive voltage is checked. If the voltage does not exceed the threshold set by the Thr1_Precharge__MinDC_Voltage parameter, an error state is reported. If the voltage is above this threshold, the main relay switch is activated. Finally, after the time specified by the Thr1_Precharge__DelayAfterMainClose parameter has elapsed, the pre-charge relay switch is turned off, and the run state is set to true, activating the throttle and brake functionality. Additionally, we have a diagram illustrating the above functionality. It is assumed that after the pre-charge time, the DC voltage exceeds the set threshold, thus no error state is encountered.

To set this module you have to set all of the objects in table 3 and also use the correct mapping for Thr1_Obj__PrechargeRelayEnableDO and Thr1_Obj__MainRelayEnableDP.

Table 3: Pre-charge module parameters
Description Unit
Thr1_Precharge__PrechargeTime 0x4016 0x01 Time to wait after pre-charge relay switch is 
activated before voltage is checked
Thr1_Precharge__DelayAfterMainClose 0x4016 0x02 Time to wait before pre-charge relay switch 
is deactivated after the main relay switch 
has been activated
Thr1_Precharge__MinDC_Voltage 0x4016 0x03 Minimum voltage that must be present on 
drive capacitors in order to not enter error 

Known bug:
Thr1_Precharge__DelayAfterMainClose: The name and description of this object in the configurator are incorrect.
The proper name should be: DelayAfterPrechargeOff. 
The description should be: "After the Main relay is activated, we wait for the DelayAfterPrechargeOff time, then we deactivate the precharge relay."

You can also verify whether the pre-charge completed successfully or if an error occurred using the pre-charged module signals.

Table 4: Pre-charge module signals
Description Unit
Thr1_Precharge__Run 0x4016 0x04 Set to 1 when pre-charge is successfully finished bit
Thr1_Precharge__Err 0x4016 0x05 Set to 1 if there was an error during pre-charge bit

3.2.1 Examples

- Pre-charge example 1

In this example, we will use the precharge module. For this, we need two relays: the main relay and the precharge relay. We also need to determine the voltage threshold for activating the main relay and the correct timings, which are described in Section 3.2.

Relay Connections
Main Relay: Connected to HW_LS1 = 0x30A0 0x02
Precharge Relay: Connected to HW_LS2 = 0x30A1 0x02
Voltage Measurement
The voltage will be measured using the inverter, which is the standard method (0x3101 0x07 Udc).

Precharge Time: 2 seconds
Time After Precharge Relay Turns Off: 0.5 seconds
Voltage Threshold
The voltage threshold for activating the main relay is 24V.

Objects to set:

    1. Enable Throttle Application:

      0x4010 - Thr1_enable = 1
    2. Enable the Precharge Module:

      Use the throttle general object 0x4011 Thr1_Gen to enable the proper module.

      0x4011 0x06 Precharge = 1
    3. Map Objects to the Application:

      Choose the proper digital outputs to control the main relay and precharge relay:

      As per description we have the main relay connected to HW_LS1 and the precharge relay connected to HW_LS2. The object indexes are as follows:

      HW_LS1 = 0x30A0 0x02
      HW_LS2 = 0x30A1 0x02

      We set the following:

      0x4012 0x14 MainRelayEnableDO = 0x30A002
      0x4012 0x15 PrechargeRelayEnableDO = 0x30A102

      Voltage that is measured can be set but it is recommended to use default (0x3101 0x07 Udc), to change the object use the following:

      0x4012 0x16 PrechargeDC_Voltage = 0x310107

  1. Configure the Precharge Module:

    Set the precharge time:

    0x4016 0x01 PrechargeTime = 2

    Set the time after the precharge relay is turned off:

    0x4016 0x02 DelayAfterMainClose = 0.5

    Set the minimum voltage that must be present:

    0x4016 0x03 MinDC_Voltage = 24

  2. Save and Reset:

    Save the settings (Ctrl+S) and perform a reset.
    Switch to operational mode.
    Enable auto start if everything works correctly (inverter will always go to operational mode after reset).

    0x3000 0x03 AutoStart = 1

3.3 Throttle module

The throttle module is responsible for calculating the desired output torque based on the given input voltage. It provides features such as short to ground and short to power supply detection, reading forward and reverse switches, rate-limiting the output, and disabling the throttle when the brake is active. Below is a detailed guide on the state diagram and parameter settings for the throttle module.

Table 5: Throttle module parameters
Description Unit
Thr1_Throtle__ZeroValue 0x4013


At this input value output is zero. V
Thr1_Throtle__ZeroDeadBand 0x4013 0x02 Defines how large zero dead band is V
Thr1_Throtle__EnableDeadBand  0x4013 0x03 Defines how large enable dead band is. 
Should be lesser or equal to zero dead 
Thr1_Throtle__MaxInput 0x4013 0x04 At this input value output is at maximum 
value defined in 
Thr1_Throtle__MinInput 0x4013 0x05 At this input value output is at minimum 
value defined in 
Thr1_Throtle__NonValidMax 0x4013 0x06 Any input value grater then this will put 
throttle module into error state
Thr1_Throtle__NonValidMin 0x4013 0x07 Any input value lesser than this will put 
throttle module into error state
Thr1_Throtle__Progressive 0x4013 0x08 Determines how the output torque changes 
in relationship to the input between zero 
value and max value.
Thr1_Throtle__Invert 0x4013 0x09 Inverts output Bit
Thr1_Throtle__RateLimit 0x4013 0x0A Limits how fast output can change. 1/s
Thr1_Throtle__OutFullPositive 0x4013 0x0B Output when input reaches max input
defined in Thr1_Throtle__MaxInput
Thr1_Throtle__OutFullNegative 0x4013 0x0C Output when input reaches min input
defined in Thr1_Throtle__MinInput
Thr1_Throtle__DissableAtBrake 0x4013 0x0D If 1, throttle is disabled when brake is 
active. If 0 throttle and brake output are 
Thr1_Throtle__WaitBeforeBridgeDisable 0x4013 0x0E How long to wait before bridge is disabled
after bridge disable request is received.
Thr1_Throtle__WaitAfterStart  0x4013 0x0F  How long to wait after startup before 
operational state is entered

Table 6: Throttle module signals
Description Unit
Thr1_Throtle__InVoltage 0x4013  0x10 Input signal V
Thr1_Throtle__OutNorm  0x4013  0x11 Normed throttle output (-1 full negative, 1 full 
Thr1_Throtle__Out 0x4013  0x12 Output in system units /
Thr1_Throtle__TotalOut 0x4013  0x13 Sum of outputs of throttle module and brake 
Thr1_Throtle__Enabled  0x4013  0x14 If 1 throttle is enabled  Bit
Thr1_Throtle__State 0x4013  0x15 Reports the state of throttle module. 1 -> Start, 
2 -> WaitForNeutral, 3 -> Idle, 4 -> Driving, 5 -> 
Error, 6 -> Charging, 7 -> WaitForSpeedDrop, 8 ->
WaitForSpeedDropChargingError, 9 -> ErrorEntry,
10 -> WaitForSpeedDropInit
Thr1_Throtle__Err 0x4013  0x16 If 1, throttle module is in error state Bit
Thr1_Throtle__ErrCode  0x4013  0x17 Reports on error state of the entire Throttle 
application. 0x01 -> throttle error, 0x02 -> precharge error, 0x04 -> drive low level error, 0x08 -> brake error

3.3.1 State Diagram

The state diagram for the throttle module consists of several states and transitions, ensuring the correct operation and safety of the system.


Startup State
  • Buzzer Activation: Upon system start, the buzzer is activated if an external buzzer is connected.
  • Wait Time: The system waits for the duration specified by the parameter Thr1_Timing__WaitAfterStart to complete the startup.
  • Error Check: If an error is detected during startup, the system transitions directly to the Error State.

Operational State
  • Buzzer Deactivation: The buzzer is disabled upon entering the operational state.
  • RPM Check: The system waits for the RPM to drop to 0, if it is not already there.
  • Bridge Disable: The bridge is disabled, and the system waits for the throttle to be set to zero.

Idle State
  • Idle Mode: The system enters the Idle State, waiting for the input to move out of the zero position.

Driving State
  • Throttle Enabled: If the input moves out of the zero position and the throttle is enabled, the system transitions to the Driving State.
  • Bridge Enable: The bridge is enabled, and the output is forwarded to motor control.

WaitForNeutral State
  • Throttle Disabled: If the throttle is disabled and the output moves out of the zero position, the system returns to the WaitForNeutral State.

WaitForSpeedDrop State
  • Output Set to 0: When the throttle is disabled during the Driving State (either due to Thr1_Enable__Throttle being set to 0, input within the disable dead band, or outside allowed values), the system enters the WaitForSpeedDrop State.
  • RPM Check: The output is set to 0, but the bridge remains enabled until the RPM drops below the value specified by Thr1_Brake__Full_RPM.
  • Wait Time: The system waits for the time configured in Thr1_Timing__WaitBeforeBridgeDisable.
  • State Transition: The state changes to Idle or WaitForNeutral based on whether the input is at zero or not.

Charging State
  • RPM Drop: If charging is detected during the operational state, the system waits for the RPM to drop.
  • Bridge Disable: The system moves to the Charging State, where the bridge is disabled.
  • Return to Operational: When charging is no longer detected, the system returns to the operational state.

Error State
  • Error Detection: If an error is detected in any state, the system transitions to the Error State.
  • Bridge Disable: The bridge is disabled, and the buzzer is activated.
  • RPM Check: In case of an error during the operational state, the system waits for the RPM to drop before disabling the bridge.
  • Priority to Error State: If both charging and an error are detected simultaneously, the system prioritizes transitioning to the Error State.
  • System Reset: There is no automatic recovery from the Error State; the system must be manually reset.

3.3.2 Input to Output Transformation

The input to output transformation converts the input voltage of the analog input to output torque, which is forwarded to motor control if the throttle is enabled. The basic transformation is illustrated in the graph below.

  • Thr1_Throttle__ZeroValue: Defines the zero point of the input.
  • Thr1_Throttle__ZeroDeadBand: Defines the dead band around the zero point. While the input voltage is within this dead band, the output remains zero.
  • Thr1_Throttle__MinInput: Minimum valid input voltage.
  • Thr1_Throttle__MaxInput: Maximum valid input voltage.
  • Thr1_Throttle__OutFullPositive: Maximum positive output torque.
  • Thr1_Throttle__OutFullNegative: Maximum negative output torque.
  • Thr1_Throttle__NonValidMin: Minimum input voltage considered valid.
  • Thr1_Throttle__NonValidMax: Maximum input voltage considered valid.

The transformation includes the following regions:

  • Zero Dead Band:

    • Defined by Thr1_Throttle__ZeroValue and Thr1_Throttle__ZeroDeadBand.
    • Output remains zero when input voltage is within the dead band.
  • Positive Torque Region:

    • From the end of the dead band to Thr1_Throttle__MaxInput, the output rises in the positive direction from 0 to Thr1_Throttle__OutFullPositive.
    • Output is calculated as , where is the normalized output (0 at 0 and 1 at Thr1_Throttle__OutFullPositive), is the normalized input (0 at the edge of the dead band and 1 at Thr1_Throttle__MaxInput), and is the parameter Thr1_Throttle__Progressive, which ranges between 0.3 and 3. The default value for is 1, indicating a linear growth of output torque.
  • Negative Torque Region:

    • From the end of the dead band to Thr1_Throttle__MinInput, the output falls in the negative direction.
    • Output is calculated as y=−∣x∣a
  • Constant Max Torque Region:

    • Between Thr1_Throttle__MaxInput and Thr1_Throttle__NonValidMax, the output remains at maximum positive torque.
    • Between Thr1_Throttle__MinInput and Thr1_Throttle__NonValidMin, the output remains at maximum negative torque.
    • If the input value increases beyond Thr1_Throttle__NonValidMax or decreases beyond Thr1_Throttle__NonValidMin, the output torque is set to 0 and the throttle module enters the error state.

This transformation ensures that the throttle application accurately converts the input voltage into the appropriate output torque for motor control, with safeguards in place to handle invalid input values and prevent unintended behaviour.

3.3.3 Other throttle module functions

Enable dead band

Enable Dead Band functions similarly to Zero Dead Band. However, instead of setting the throttle output to 0, it disables the driver bridge when the input is less than a specified distance from the zero point. This distance is determined by the Enable Dead Band threshold. To disable Enable Dead Band, set its value to 0.

Ensure this threshold is always smaller than the Zero Dead Band threshold to prevent unusual behaviour.

Disable at brake

When the parameter 0x4013 0x0D DissableAtBrake is set to 1, the throttle module output is set to zero whenever the brake is active. This means that as soon as the brake is applied, the EmDrive system will start braking immediately, regardless of the throttle input.

When the parameter 0x4013 0x0D DissableAtBrake is set to 0, the throttle and brake outputs are combined before being sent to motor control. In this case, the EmDrive system will only start braking if the brake output is greater than the throttle output.

Rate limit

The rate limit controls how quickly the output can change in response to changes in the input (Higher the number, faster the change). This is determined by the parameter 0x4013 0x0A RateLimit.

When the input changes from 0 to 1 (works on normed value), the output will change from 0 to 1 in 1 / RateLimit seconds.

3.3.4 Examples

- Throttle example 1

Monodirectional throttle using only one analog input.

In this example, we will use a potentiometer as our throttle input. Our goal is to control the motor in velocity mode, ranging from 0 to 100 RPM.

Throttle Input Details
Potentiometer: Used as the throttle input. Connected to AIN3 = 0x3090 0x03
Voltage and RPM Control
Error Condition: If the voltage from the potentiometer is lower than 0.2V or higher than 4.8V, an error will occur (indicating a possible short or broken connection).
0 RPM: At 0.5V, the motor should run at 0 RPM.
100 RPM: At 4.5V, the motor should run at the maximum speed of 100 RPM.

Objects to set:

    1. Enable Throttle Application:

      0x4010 - Thr1_enable = 1
    2. Enable the Throttle Module:

      Use the throttle general object 0x4011 Thr1_Gen to enable the proper module.

      0x4011 0x03 Throtle = 1

    3. Map Objects to the Application:

      Choose the reference value to control (velocity or torque) and map analog/digital inputs and outputs.

      To control velocity:

      0x4012 0x06 TargetObj = 0x301005

      To control torque:

      0x4012 0x06 TargetObj = 0x301004

      Set the control mode (0 for torque, 1 for velocity):

      0x3100 0x01 ControlMode = 0 or 1

      Define the analog throttle input (potentiometer on AIN3):

      0x4012 0x03 ThrottleVoltage = 0x309003

    4. Configure the Throttle Module:

      Set the throttle voltage parameters as  explained in Section 4.2:

      0x4013 0x01 ZeroValue = 0.5
      0x4013 0x04 MaxInput = 4.5
      0x4013 0x05 MinInput = 0.5
      0x4013 0x06 NonValidMax = 4.8
      0x4013 0x07 NonValidMin = 0.2

      Set the maximum and minimum TorqueRef or VelocityRef:
      In this example we will use max = 100rpm and min = 0rpm

      0x4013 0x0B OutFullPositive = 100
      0x4013 0x0C OutFullNegative = 0

    5. Save and Reset:

      Save the settings (Ctrl+S) and perform a reset.
      Switch to operational mode.
      Enable auto start if everything works correctly (inverter will always go to operational mode after reset).

      0x3000 0x03 AutoStart = 1

- Throttle example 2


In this example, we will use the same potentiometer as in Throttle Example 1. The main difference is that this setup allows for bidirectional control of the throttle. Here’s how it works:

  • At 2.5V, the motor will be at 0 RPM.
  • At 4.5V, the motor will run at 100 RPM.
  • At 0.5V, the motor will run at -100 RPM (in reverse).

This setup enables you to control the motor speed and direction using a single analog input.

Objects to set:

    1. Same as example "Throttle example 1"
    2. Same as example "Throttle example 1"
    3. Same as example "Throttle example 1"
    4. Configure the Throttle Module:
      Set the throttle voltage parameters as  explained in Section 4.2:

      0x4013 0x01 ZeroValue = 2.5
      0x4013 0x04 MaxInput = 4.5
      0x4013 0x05 MinInput = 0.5
      0x4013 0x06 NonValidMax = 4.8
      0x4013 0x07 NonValidMin = 0.2

      Set the maximum and minimum TorqueRef or VelocityRef:
      In this example we will use max = 100rpm and min = -100rpm

      0x4013 0x0B OutFullPositive = 100
      0x4013 0x0C OutFullNegative = -100

      Additionaly we have to set IsNegativeBrake 

      0x4013 0x10 IsNegativeBrake = 0

    5. Same as example "Throttle example 1"

- Throttle example 3

In this example, we will use the same potentiometer as in Throttle Example 1, along with two additional digital inputs to control the motor's direction. 

Digital input 1 = 0x30B0 0x01 DIN1 - enable/disable positive throttle
Digital input 2 = 0x30B0 0x02 DIN2 - enable/disable negative throttle.

Objects to set:

    1. Same as example "Throttle example 1"
    2. Same as example "Throttle example 1"
    3. Same as example "Throttle example 1"
    4. Same as example "Throttle example 1"

      Additionally, we only need to map digital input objects for enabling forward/reverse throttle.

      We will use object 0x30B0 0x01 - DIN1 to enable/disable positive throttle.
      We will use object 0x30B0 0x02 - DIN2 to enable/disable negative throttle.

      So we need to set:

      0x4012 0x04 ThrottleFWD_Dlvalue = 0x30b001
      0x4012 0x05 ThrottleREW_Dlvalue = 0x30b002

      If DIN1 and DIN2 are the same value, the throttle will not work. Only one of them can be 1 and the other 0.

      Currently the inverter does not support using only one physical input (e.g switch) to change direction. There must be two of them!

      Additionaly we have to set IsNegativeBrake 

      0x4013 0x10 IsNegativeBrake = 0

    5. Same as example "Throttle example 1"

3.4. Brake module

The brake module implements the brake function within the throttle application, operating similarly to the throttle module but with a crucial difference: it always outputs torque in the opposite direction of the current rotation and supports only monodirectional braking. The brake can be assigned to a different analog input or share the same analog input as the throttle module, beneficial for configurations where monodirectional throttle is used. In such cases, one direction from the zero point can manage throttle control while the other handles brake control.

Table 7: Brake module parameters
Description Unit
Thr1_Brake__ZeroValue 0x4014 0x01 At this input value output is zero.  V
Thr1_Brake__ZeroDeadBand  0x4014 0x02 Defines how large zero dead band is V
Thr1_Brake__EnableDeadBand  0x4014 0x03 Defines how large enable dead band is. 
Should be lesser or equal to zero dead 
Thr1_Brake__MaxInput  0x4014 0x04 At this input value output is at maximum 
Thr1_Brake__NonValidMax 0x4014 0x05 Any input value grater then this will put 
throttle module into error state.
Thr1_Brake__NonValidMin  0x4014 0x06 Any input value lesser than this will put 
throttle module into error state.
Thr1_Brake__Progressive  0x4014 0x07 Determines how the output torque 
changes in relationship to the input 
between zero value and max value.
Thr1_Brake__RateLimit 0x4014 0x08 Limits how fast output can change. Output 
can change from 0 to 1 in 
1/Thr1_Brake__RateLimit s
Thr1_Brake__OutFullPositive  0x4014 0x09 Output brake torque when input reaches 
max input.
Thr1_Brake__OutZero  0x4014 0x0A Output brake torque when input is at zero 
Thr1_Brake__Full_RPM 0x4014 0x0B RPM below which brake torque is scaled 
towards 0.

Table 8: Brake module signals
Description Unit
Thr1_Brake__InVoltage 0x4014 0x0C Input signal V
Thr1_Brake__OutNorm  0x4014 0x0D Normed brake output (-1 full negative, 1 full 
Thr1_Brake__Out 0x4014 0x0E Output in system units /
Thr1_Brake__Enabled  0x4014 0x0F If 1 brake is enabled Bit
Thr1_Brake__Err 0x4014 0x10 Brake error state  

3.4.1 Input to Output Transformation

The input to output transformation functions in a similar manner to the input-output transformation of the throttle module. A typical example of this transformation is illustrated in the picture below.

The type of slope between the end of the zero dead band and Thr1_Brake__MaxInput is determined by the parameter Thr1_Brake__Progressive, similar to how it is for the throttle module. Additionally, the brake module can be configured to increase brake torque when the input decreases. This can be achieved by setting the parameter Thr1_Brake__MaxInput to a value smaller than Thr1_Brake__ZeroValue. The resulting input to output transformation for this configuration is illustrated in the picture below.

For both modes, it is essential to configure the parameters Thr1_Brake__NonValidMax and Thr1_Brake__NonValidMin. Failing to do so will result in incorrect operation of the short to ground and short to power supply error detection.

3.4.2 Examples

To use the brake module, you first need to configure the throttle module and ensure it works as expected.

- Brake example 1

Monodirectional throttle & brake using only one analog input.
In this example, a potentiometer is used to adjust voltage from 0V to 5V. The operational range is 0.2V to 4.8V. If the voltage goes outside this range, an error occurs.

Throttle and Brake Operation
Neutral Position: At 2.5V, the motor is in neutral.
Increasing Voltage: Raising the voltage above 2.5V speeds up the motor.
Decreasing Voltage: Lowering the voltage below 2.5V brakes the motor.

Before proceeding with this example, ensure you have completed and prepared a working setup of "Throttle Example 1" with torque control, not velocity. To achieve this, configure the following settings:

  • Set Target Object: 0x4012 0x06 TargetObj = 0x301004
  • Set Control Mode: 0x3100 0x01 ControlMode = 0

Objects to set:

  1. Enable Throttle Application:

    0x4010 - Thr1_enable = 1
  2. Enable the Throttle & Brake Module:

    0x4011 0x03 Throtle = 1 0x4011 0x04 Brake = 1

  3. Map Objects to the Application:

    Torque control

    0x4012 0x06 TargetObj = 0x301004

    Check that torque mode is active if not set it with control mode = 0:
    0x3100 0x01 ControlMode = 0

    Define the analog throttle input (e.g., potentiometer on AIN3):

    0x4012 0x03 ThrotleVoltage = 0x309003

    Define the analog brake input (same as ThrotleVoltage in this example):

    0x4012 0x12 BrakeVoltage = 0x309003

  4. Configure the Throttle Module:

    Set the throttle voltage parameters as  explained in Section 4.2:

    0x4013 0x01 ZeroValue = 2.5
    0x4013 0x04 MaxInput = 4.5
    0x4013 0x05 MinInput = 0.5
    0x4013 0x06 NonValidMax = 4.8
    0x4013 0x07 NonValidMin = 0.2

    Set the maximum and minimum TorqueRef 
    In this example we will use max = 10Nm and min = 0Nm (if there is no load) - BIDIRECTIONAL throttle must be dissabled (one of these must be 0) for using only one analog input as throttle and brake.

    0x4013 0x05 OutFullPositive = 10
    0x4013 0x05 OutFullNegative = 0

  5. Configure the Brake Module:

    Set the brake voltage parameters:

    0x4014 0x01 ZeroValue = 2.5
    0x4014 0x04 MaxInput = 0.5
    0x4014 0x05 NonValidMax = 4.8
    0x4014 0x06 NonValidMin = 0.2 0x4014 0x09 OutFullPositive = 10

  6. Save and Reset:

    Save the settings (Ctrl+S) and perform a reset.
    Switch to operational mode.
    Enable auto start if everything works correctly (inverter will always go to operational mode after reset).

    0x3000 0x03 AutoStart = 1

- Brake example 2


In this example, we will use two analog inputs to control the motor:

  • Analog Input 1: Controls the throttle (motor speed).
  • Analog Input 2: Controls the brake.

This setup allows you to manage both the acceleration and deceleration of the motor independently using separate analog inputs.

Objects to set:

  1. Same as "Brake example 1"
  2. Same as "Brake example 1"
  3. Map Objects to the Application:

    Torque control

    0x4012 0x06 TargetObj = 0x301004

    Check that torque mode is active if not set it with control mode = 0:
    0x3100 0x01 ControlMode = 0

    Define the analog throttle input (e.g., potentiometer on AIN3):

    0x4012 0x03 ThrotleVoltage = 0x309003

    Define the analog brake input (e.g., potentiometer AIN2):

    0x4012 0x12 BrakeVoltage = 0x309002

  4. Configure the Throttle Module:

    Set the throttle voltage parameters as  explained in Section 4.2:

    0x4013 0x01 ZeroValue = 0.5
    0x4013 0x04 MaxInput = 4.5
    0x4013 0x05 MinInput = 0.5
    0x4013 0x06 NonValidMax = 4.8
    0x4013 0x07 NonValidMin = 0.2

    Set the maximum and minimum TorqueRef 
    In this example we will use max = 10Nm and min = 0Nm (if there is no load) - BIDIRECTIONAL throttle must be dissabled (one of these must be 0) for using only one analog input as throttle and brake.

    0x4013 0x05 OutFullPositive = 10
    0x4013 0x05 OutFullNegative = 0

  5. Configure the Brake Module:

    Set the brake voltage parameters:

    0x4014 0x01 ZeroValue = 0.5
    0x4014 0x04 MaxInput = 4.5
    0x4014 0x05 NonValidMax = 4.8
    0x4014 0x06 NonValidMin = 0.2 0x4014 0x09 OutFullPositive = 10

  6. Same as "Brake example 1"

3.5. Pump control module

The Pump Control Module manages the operation of two pumps in the system: the main pump and the cooling pump.

  • The main pump is activated whenever the throttle application is in the run state or when the cooling pump is active.
  • The cooling pump is regulated by a simple hysteresis controller.

Activation: The cooling pump turns on if the temperature exceeds the threshold set in the Thr1_Pump__OnTemperature parameter.
Deactivation: The cooling pump turns off if the temperature drops below the threshold set in the Thr1_Pump__OffTemperature parameter.

Table 9: Pump control module parameters
Description Unit
Thr1_Pump__OnTemperature 0x4015 0x01 High threshold temperature °C
Thr1_Pump__OFFTemperature 0x4015 0x02 Low threshold temperature °C

Table 10: Pump control module signals
Description Unit
Thr1_Pump__InTemperature 0x4015 0x03 The temperature of the higher of the mapped 

3.5.3 Examples

- Pump example 1


In this example we will control two pumps: main pump and cooling pump.

Main pump on LS3 0x30A2 0x02 Value  
Cooling pump on LS4 0x30A3 0x02 Value
Temperature at which we start the pump = 50 °C
Temperature at which we stop the pump = 60 °C

Objects to set:

  1. Enable Throttle Application:

    0x4010 - Thr1_enable = 1
  2. Enable the Pump Module:

    0x4011 0x05 Pump = 1

  3. Map Objects to the Application:

    For this module the CoolingInputTemperature1 and CoolingInputTemperature2 are set by default. 
    Ctrl_Bridge__StatusHeatsinkTemp is mapped to CoolingInputTemperature1
    Ctrl_Gen_Stat__MotorSensorTemp is mapped to CoolingInputTemperature2

    0x4012 0x0D CoolingInputTemperature1 = 0x31CE00 
    0x4012 0x0E CoolingInputTemperature2 = 0x31010A

    Next we need to map the digital outputs where our pumps are connected to. In this example we will use:
    Main pump on LS3 0x30A2 0x02 Value  
    Cooling pump on LS4 0x30A3 0x02 Value

    0x4012 0x0B MainPumpEnableDO = 0x30A202
    0x4012 0x0C CoolingPumpEnableDO = 0x30A302

  4. Configure the Pump Module:

    Set the temperature at which the pump starts and stops.

    0x4015 0x01 OnTemperature = 60
    0x4015 0x02 OffTemperature = 50

  5. Save and Reset:

    Save the settings (Ctrl+S) and perform a reset.
    Switch to operational mode.
    Enable auto start if everything works correctly (inverter will always go to operational mode after reset).

    0x3000 0x03 AutoStart = 1

3.6. DC-DC turn on delay module

DC-DC turn on delay module enables an external DC-DC module with a delay after start-up. The delay time 
can be configured by setting parameter Thr1_DCDC__StartupDelay

Description Unit
Thr1_DCDC__StartupDelay 0x4017 0x00 Delay time after which external DC-DC module is turned on s

3.6.1 Examples

- DC-DC delay example 1

The relay is connected to LS2 0x30A1 0x02 Value  
DC-DC turn on delay set to 5s.

Objects to set:

  1. Enable Throttle Application:

    0x4010 - Thr1_enable = 1
  2. Enable the DC-DC Module:

    0x4011 0x07 DC_DC = 1

  3. Map Objects to the Application:

    DC-DC relay is on LS2 0x30A1 0x02 Value

    0x4012 0x0F DCDCenableDO = 0x30A102

  4. Configure the DC-DC Module:

    Set the delay to 5s

    0x4017 0x00 Thr1_DCDC__StartupDelay = 5

  5. Save and Reset:

    Save the settings (Ctrl+S) and perform a reset.
    Switch to operational mode.
    Enable auto start if everything works correctly (inverter will always go to operational mode after reset).

    0x3000 0x03 AutoStart = 1

3.7. SOC monitoring and charging detection module

The SOC (State of Charge) monitoring module and the charging detection module are implemented together due to their similarities. However, both modules can be enabled and disabled independently. SOC monitoring requires a Battery Management System (BMS) to detect SOC. Note that the BMS is not included in the emDrive. If SOC monitoring is needed, an independent BMS must be connected to the CAN bus.

3.7.1 SOC Monitoring Module

The SOC monitoring module tracks the SOC state as reported by the BMS.

  • Behaviour:

    • If SOC drops below the level specified by the parameter Thr1_Bat__StartLimitingSOC, the module will start limiting the maximum output torque.
    • If SOC falls below the level specified by Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingSOC, the maximum torque output will be set to the value given in Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingThrottleOut.
    • When SOC is between Thr1_Bat__StartLimitingSOC and Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingSOC, the maximum torque is linearly reduced. The reduction goes from the maximum torque (as defined in the throttle module) at Thr1_Bat__StartLimitingSOC to the torque defined in Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingThrottleOut at Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingSOC.
  • Throttle Limiting Speed:

    • Controlled by the parameter Thr1_Bat__ThrottleLimitRamp.
    • The limiting speed functions similarly to rate limiting in the throttle and brake modules, where throttle limiting can range from 0 to 1 in 1/Thr1_Bat__ThrottleLimitRamp seconds.


3.7.2 Charging detection Module

The charging detection module monitors whether the battery is being charged and reports this status to the throttle module.

  • Behaviour::
    • If a BMS is present, the module queries the BMS to check if the battery is currently being charged.
    • Alternatively, the module can observe the state of the input mapped to the parameter Thr1_Obj__ChargingDetectDIvalue:
      • If the value is 1, the battery is considered to be charging.
      • If the value is 0, the battery is considered to be not charging.

This setup allows for accurate monitoring and management of the battery's state of charge and charging status, ensuring optimal performance and safety.


3.7.3 Parameters and signals overview


Table 11: SOC monitoring module and charging detection module parameters
Description Unit
Thr1_Bat__StartLimitingSOC 0x4018 0x01 SOC percentage at which throttle limiting starts.  %
Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingSOC  0x4018 0x02 SOC percentage at which throttle limiting is at 
Thr1_Bat__EndLimitingThrotleOut  0x4018 0x03 Maximum torque output when throttle limiting 
is at maximum.
Thr1_Bat__ThrotleLimitRamp 0x4018 0x04 Limits how fast throttle limiting can change.  1/s


Table 12: SOC monitoring module and charging detection module signals
Description Unit
Thr1_Bat__Valid 0x4018  0x05 If 0, no BMS is available /
Thr1_Bat__SOC 0x4018  0x06 Battery SOC in percentage %
Thr1_Bat__LimitThrotle 0x4018  0x07 Current throttle limit in system units /
Thr1_Bat__LimitNorm  0x4018  0x08 Normed current throttle limit. (1 -> no limiting, 0 
-> maximum allowed limit)
Thr1_Bat__Charging 0x4018  0x09 If 1, charging is detected. If 0 charging is not 